Thing 19: Mash ups

There are many ways to use Mashups in your classroom & library program especially since it’s very user friendly. Currently in my class we use the Big Huge Labs for a variety of projects (Mosaics, motivators, trading cards, etc.) but one of the main things we use it for are parent gifts. You understand right? I mean what grandparent would not want to have the mosaic picture below? Let me get back on topic though. In the library you could use the mappr feature to highlight where in the world or U.S. a book is set in. This would encourage students who are curious about a particular place to read a book from that area. (We did something similar in my grade level when every time we read a book we would pin on the map where it was set in ~ Alaska, England, Scotland, etc.) I could see using bookr for kids to make their own books & put on display or for quick book reviews. Of course they could take a character from a book & turn it into a trading card based on the characters’ personality. The uses are limitless as long as you use a little imagination. :o) 

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